Friday, August 22, 2014

Some Background...Part 1

The short story is that I'm a stay-at-home mom who feels unfulfilled in her life.  It's a story that has been told over and over again, and will continue to be told over and over again.  

The longer, but abridged story, is that seven years ago when I quit full time teaching I got a part time job working for an adult high school.  It basically allowed me to stay at home during the day, work a nine hour week at night, and supplement my full time salary minus day care expenses.  Little did I know that it would become the perfect position for me, my "calling", if you will.  And then Chris Christie came into office, cutting (no, that's not a nasty enough word, let's go with obliterating) obliterating education funding across the state.  The recovering addicts, ex-cons,  teen moms, and other such societal drop out dregs didn't stand a chance against the innocent children and the program was shut down.  

I was on unemployment for a bit and then began working for a god-awful company as an online instructor.  The company paid crap, when they were able to pay us at all.  I did get to work from home, which isn't all it's cracked up to be, and my only interaction with students was via email and an occasional phone conversation.  It had it's rare bright spots, an unexpected connection with a mom or student where a life was changed for the better because a sympathetic ear was lent, but that's it.  I'm not knocking my significance in that person's life, but I also didn't teach anything, which is what I really like to do.  

I'm still doing the same thing, but the original company I worked for dissolved, sort of, and some of it's workers started a new company.  I'm with them now.  They pay me on time, so far.  They are pretty decent people and educators, but in a fledgling stage of leadership and business ownership.  Though I feel positive for the company's success, I have no real expectations for my own personal role in it.  I mean, I can't really say tallying a student's hours is a life-fulfilling career.

And that brings me to the present day where quitting my teaching position, becoming unemployed, and working for pennies with three kids and a teacher husband has left our family piss broke.

Alas, the smell of poop is wafting this way, so stay tune for Part 2 and my new Project.

(It's a poopy diaper I need to change, for those of you who were wondering.)


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